Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Shaking Our World Project

                     =_= About Plate tectonics =_=
            What is Plate Tectonics? Plate Tectonics are the space between land and land. It have three different kinds of boundary there are Transform, Divergent, ConvergentFault is one kind of plate tectonics that will cause Earth quake, Tsunami and volcano. It have four kind of fault. Include Normal Fault, Reverse Fault, Strike-Slip Fault and Thrust Fault. Volcano is cause by plate tectonics too. Their are three types of volcano named Shield, Cinder, Composite.
            Normal Fault is a fault that moves DOWN vertically(In Angles). Reverse Fault is a fault that moves UP but only Pisces of crust. Thrust Fault is very smilier with Reverse Fault but only it goes not only with the crust. Strike slip Fault is a fault are moves LEFT and RIGHT. Fault always happen near the Plate Tectonics, because of the land moved so it cause the Earth quake, Tsunami and volcano.

             Volcano happen because of hot spot and hot spot happen near Plate Tectonics. There are three type of volcano, Shield , Cinder and Composite.Shield cone's lava comes out very gentle with no ash. Cinder cone's lava comes out with some ash and inside the cone is just a cone. Composite cone's lava comes out strongly with a lot of ash and inside the cone it will have different "exit" for the magma.

              There are three type of boundary in the Plate Tectonics. There are Transform, Divergent and Convergent. Transform slide pass each other. Divergent moves away form each other.Convergent come together and push each other.

              In conclusion, Plate tectonics effect a lot in the world. Once it move or have some problem, it cause a lot of natural disasters. The plate in different area have different name and it have 18 plate in the world. In this project i have fun learn all this things about Plate tectonics. That's all.

This is the Plate tectonics

1) I enjoy this project a lot, i have a lot of fun.
2)The most challenge thing is i feel like I don't have enough time to do my project(even I have extra time for my song)
3)I learn that sure things we learn is very helpful.
4)I would record my song again If i have a chance.