Friday, October 26, 2012

Rock Types

Rock Types
  • Igneous Rock---Intrusive/Extrusive
Intrusive - The rock stay inside the volcano and change into rock slowly so the crystal comes out clearly.
Extrusive - The rock come out with magma and it cools down fast so the crystal will not show clearly.

  • Sedimentary Rocks---Clastic/Crystalline/Bioclastic
Clastic - Clastic rocks are made up of particles
Crystalline made up of clearly crystal 
Bioclastic -  Bioclastic is made up of arranged animals
  • Metamorphic Rocks---Foliated/Non-Foliated

Foliated The rocks have parallel bands.
Non-FoliatedThe rocks that do not have parallel bands.

Metamorphic rock -Metamorphic rocks are sedimentary or igneous rocks that changed by heat and pressure.
Magma/Lava - Melted rock inside the mountain. Lava is when the melted rock is indis/ Magma is when the rock come out.
Solidification - To make it solid
Igneous rock - Made up by cooling magma
Weathering - Weather(Rain/Sun/Wind)
Erosion - When water and wind take away things on the surface of the rock
Sediment - Sand and mud
Compaction - Push it together
Cementation - Grew together over time
Sedimentary rock - Rock that formed through the solidification

Sedimentary rock heat and pressure to metamorphic rock.
Metamorphic rock melting into magma.
Magma cooling down and turns into Igneous rock.
Igneous rock weathering and deposition into sediment.
Sediment change into sedimentary rock by compaction and cementation.
The sedimentary rock will heat and pressure into metamorphic rock.

Igneous rock and Sedimentary rock can both change into Metamorphic rock by heat and pressure

Made By: Janice Chen


Crystals Growing Lab
In the Crystal growing lab, We melt up the sugar with hot water. Then we hung up a clip using cord and pencil to balance. We put the beaker close to the window. After few days the crystal will grew out!!!

Mineral Properties
  • Luster - Metallic(Shinny Metal)
  • Luster - Non-Metallic(Not Shinny Metal). 

  • Color - The way it appears on the outside.

  • Streak - The lines on the rocks.

  • Hardness - How hard is the rocks.

  • Cleavage - Break in Shapes

  • Fracture - Break unevenly

  • Composition - Chemical

 Luster - Metallic
 Color- Clear

Luster - Non-Metallic
Color - Color less Or White

Created by: Janice Chen

Thursday, October 11, 2012

About Me

  • Science is a subject that I have to learn every day
  • I like Singing/Dancing/Shopping/Date with friends
  • My brother scares me
  • Chinese food is my favorite food
  • I will be a hotel manager when I grow up
  • I have one siblings
  • My favorite color is Black/White
  • Watch out for me when I don't have a good mood
  • I wish I can be a singer

Janice Chen Here!!!!